I read this article in a couple of months ago.
It's perhaps not really an article with political issue.
However, once one has the sucificent confidence to his/her own country,
the national identity could be deep-rooted more.
Our President Chen is a representative from nobody to somebody,
Freedom House, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization in New York, is working for the political and economic freedom around the world. This organization arrays seven degrees to evaluate how democratic country is. The 1st degree represents for the most democracy; and the 7th degree is vice versa. Taiwan’s rating has improved from 2 to 1 because of the freedom of political rights and electoral reforms in 2006.
“In 2004 and 2005, Taiwan launched ambitious constitutional reforms that have cut the size of the national parliament in half. The country also made an effort to reduce corruption and improve the quality of political representation through ambitious electoral reform. Taiwan's tense relationship with neighboring China took a turn for the worse during 2005 with Beijing's announcement of an anti-secession law, which authorizes the use of military force against Taiwan in the event "peaceful" attempts to unify with Taiwan prove ineffective.” (http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfmpage=22&year=2006&country=7069)
Huntington, a political scientist known for his analysis of the relationship between the military and the civil government, came up with “two turn over test” which Taiwan didn’t past this test yet. As a young democratic country, Taiwan seems to be making progress for the way.
Huntington furthermore mentioned that “willingness” and “capacity” are two crucial elements for decolonized countries to promote the democracy or not. From the event of Depose-Chen rally proceeding, Taiwanese is upset over President Chen’s corruption. While we Taiwanese telling the black and white, we also could take Huntington’s theories as a consideration. Willingness perhaps can be shown from a leader’s determination; but capacity depends on a leader’s charisma and assertiveness. Yet how intertwine those two elements? Education matters!!
More information about Freedom House: http://www.freedomhouse.org/
Meg Ti-Cheng Chiu
誰是「Global Citizen」?龍應台指出:要認知到個人行動可以造成不同;關心公平、正義;關懷人類社區的現在和未來,認為這種關懷不為國界阻擋;以行動表達關懷。
「教育」正是使國家向上提昇的關鍵,所以龍應台強調,清華思想沙龍要「影響有影響力的人」,這些人是老師,是青年,是家長,要讓大家相信甘地的話:「你必須成為你想看到的世界的改變之鍵。」 【2006/03/22 民生報】
It's perhaps not really an article with political issue.
However, once one has the sucificent confidence to his/her own country,
the national identity could be deep-rooted more.
Our President Chen is a representative from nobody to somebody,
his spirit is to appreciate for sure.
Yet, recently, Taiwanese are sick of scandle-ridden to President Chen.
Freedom House, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization in New York, is working for the political and economic freedom around the world. This organization arrays seven degrees to evaluate how democratic country is. The 1st degree represents for the most democracy; and the 7th degree is vice versa. Taiwan’s rating has improved from 2 to 1 because of the freedom of political rights and electoral reforms in 2006.
“In 2004 and 2005, Taiwan launched ambitious constitutional reforms that have cut the size of the national parliament in half. The country also made an effort to reduce corruption and improve the quality of political representation through ambitious electoral reform. Taiwan's tense relationship with neighboring China took a turn for the worse during 2005 with Beijing's announcement of an anti-secession law, which authorizes the use of military force against Taiwan in the event "peaceful" attempts to unify with Taiwan prove ineffective.” (http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfmpage=22&year=2006&country=7069)
Huntington, a political scientist known for his analysis of the relationship between the military and the civil government, came up with “two turn over test” which Taiwan didn’t past this test yet. As a young democratic country, Taiwan seems to be making progress for the way.
Huntington furthermore mentioned that “willingness” and “capacity” are two crucial elements for decolonized countries to promote the democracy or not. From the event of Depose-Chen rally proceeding, Taiwanese is upset over President Chen’s corruption. While we Taiwanese telling the black and white, we also could take Huntington’s theories as a consideration. Willingness perhaps can be shown from a leader’s determination; but capacity depends on a leader’s charisma and assertiveness. Yet how intertwine those two elements? Education matters!!
More information about Freedom House: http://www.freedomhouse.org/
Meg Ti-Cheng Chiu
誰是「Global Citizen」?龍應台指出:要認知到個人行動可以造成不同;關心公平、正義;關懷人類社區的現在和未來,認為這種關懷不為國界阻擋;以行動表達關懷。
「教育」正是使國家向上提昇的關鍵,所以龍應台強調,清華思想沙龍要「影響有影響力的人」,這些人是老師,是青年,是家長,要讓大家相信甘地的話:「你必須成為你想看到的世界的改變之鍵。」 【2006/03/22 民生報】
Thanks for posting this essay. I like Long Yingtai a lot. I wanted to do an English translation and make a few comments, but I have to go to HK for a few days, so it'll hvae to wait until I get back.
Hi~ I am sigrid~
I love your article, too. It has
been a long time for me to reply
your article since I finished
reading your article, but
unfortunately I am very very busy
recently. Maybe a couple of days
later, I will share my opinion
with you, but I have to go
preparing for my class right now.
Hope that your everything is going
well, and best wishes to you!!(By
the way, thanks for 龍應台's
article, she has been one of my
top10 writers since I was a
college student~*)
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